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Step 1: Meassuer Your Size

Use a napkin or clear tape to wrap the Widest part of your nail

Press on the left and right sidewalls to from a crease

Use a pen to make 2 dots, mark the width of your nail.

Use a pen to make 2 dots, mark the width of your nail

Remove the tape from your nail

Measure the distance between those 2 dots, repeat 5 times

Step 2: Choose the Right Size

Step 3: Nial Shapes & Lengths

How to Apply(For Jelly Glue)

1.Grind and clean the surface of the nails.

2.Stick the jelly glue of the appropriate size.

3.Put on the press on nail and adjust to the appropriate position.

How to Remove(For Jelly Glue)

1.Soak hands into warm water

2.Use the wooden stick to create a gap between the press ons and the nail bed. Then gently lift up the whole press ons.

3.Store the nail pads after cleaning them up

How to Apply(For Light-cured Gel

1.Clean the nail surface with an alcohol pad

2.Get an appropriate amount of light-cured gel

3.Press the nail piece onto the nail and adjust the position.

4.Use a small wooden stick to clean up the excess glue.

5.Solidify with a UV lamp until it is firm.

How to Remove(For Light-cured Gel

1.Clean and push back cuticles with a manicure stick.

2.Clean and push back cuticles with a manicure stick.

3.Clean and push back cuticles with a manicure stick.

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